Personal Loans
Why You Should Never Take a Personal Loan for Home Renovations
Renovating your home is always an exciting thing to look forward to, with the promise of a refurbished and better looking home to come back to. That is, of course,...
5 April 2022

The Expat/Tourist’s Guide to Getting a Prepaid SIM Card in Singapore
Whether you’re here in Singapore for business or leisure, prepaid data SIM cards are good to have. It helps you keep in communication with friends, family, co-workers and prospective employers (if...
10 December 2019

Car Insurance
Floods in Singapore – Does Your Car or Home Insurance Cover Flood Damage?
The rainy season is upon us soon. In Singapore, you can expect frequent thunderstorms and rain showers between November and January. Although Singaporeans are no stranger to heavy rainfall, we are often...
12 September 2018

Health Insurance
Here’s Why MediShield is Not Sufficient Enough For You To Ignore Additional Health Insurance Coverage
Medical and hospitalisation expenses are costly. Even worse, these expenses become even more costly every year due to healthcare inflation. That’s bad considering healthcare inflation rises at an even faster...
3 November 2014

Credit Cards
What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Credit Card Bill in Full?
Credit cards are great – right up until the time you receive your credit card statement(s) in the mail (or email if you receive e-statements). That’s when all of those...
31 October 2014

Health Insurance
Should You Just Have Minimum Health Insurance Coverage Or Is It Worth Spending More?
Think about this question for a minute – what is health insurance for? You might be thinking about words such as “protection”, “security”, or even “risk transfer”. And you’re right...
29 October 2014

Life Insurance
Is Whole Life Insurance Just a Scam? Read This First Then Decide
When it comes to purchasing insurance – life insurance is probably the policy most of us dread. Why? Well, it probably has something to do with the fact that it...
23 October 2014

Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance – Why You Should Start Here When Figuring Out What Coverage You Need
When it comes to life insurance, there are plenty of options out there to choose from. However, what might be the best policy for one person might not be the...
20 October 2014

6 Critical Things About Your Money Every Singaporean Needs to Understand Right Now
Needless to say, money is damn important in Singapore. From the day you’re born until the day you die, money will always play a huge role in determining how good...
14 October 2014

Life Insurance
Think All Insurance Plans Do The Same Thing? Read This Before You Waste Money On Something You Don’t Need
By now, you probably have a good understanding of how important life insurance is. But do you know which type of life insurance policy is the right one to choose?...
3 October 2014

3 Key Factors You Should Know When Using Your CPF to Purchase Property
Your Central Provident Fund (CPF) account is a lot like an indestructible piggy bank that won’t give you a cent back unless you use it for certain purchases such as...
30 September 2014

Are You Making a Huge Mistake By Upgrading Your Property?
Singaporeans are always looking for reasons to upgrade to a larger home. Then again why shouldn’t they? Homes are small enough as it is! But is it always a smart...
18 September 2014

Credit Cards
Credit Card Fraud – The Do’s and Don’ts That Will Ensure Your Money Is Safe
Credit cards are a big reason why Singaporeans have so much purchasing power. After all, most credit card companies give you a credit limit that’s 3X to 4X your monthly...
4 September 2014

Credit Cards
Here’s What You Absolutely MUST Look for if You Want a Great Travel Credit Card
In Singapore, we NEED to travel every few months (or weeks) just to keep our sanity in today’s high-stress working environment. Seriously, travel is the best way to prevent work-related...
20 August 2014

5 Ridiculously Common Sales Pitches Every Singaporean Should Watch Out For
In Singapore, we’re constantly inundated with annoying sales pitches. I don’t know about you, but every time I get an SMS messages from property developers, sales calls from banks or...
18 August 2014

4 FREE Last Minute Hotel Booking Apps That’ll Save You Some Serious Cash
You don’t need me to tell you that the best way to save money on travel is to PLAN AHEAD! While that’s especially true for booking airline tickets, what you...
18 August 2014

3 Simple Budgeting Tips for Singaporeans Earning a Variable Income
One of the benefits of earning a regular monthly salary is that there’s no guesswork when it comes to creating a budget – because you know exactly how much you’ll...
14 August 2014

Savings Accounts
Here’s Why Having Multiple Bank Accounts Can be a Wise Financial Move
How many bank accounts do you have? If you’re a die-hard customer with a certain bank simply because it has a branch location that’s nearby, fantastic! However, you might be...
14 August 2014

When Should You Sell Stock? 3 Key Situations When Selling Might be Your Best Option
When should you sell a stock? That’s a key question that many investors find harder to figure out than buying the damn stock in the first place!
12 August 2014

3 Major Financial Mistakes Singaporeans Make Way Too Often
Mistakes – everyone makes them. Then again, making mistakes is a part of life right? I mean, the whole point is that you’re supposed to learn from them so that...
11 August 2014

5 Turkish Restaurants That Are Guaranteed to Satisfy Your Hunger AND Budget
There’s nothing better on a Friday night (or any night really) than indulging yourself with some great Turkish food. Seriously, it’s the perfect cuisine to share with your friends and/or...
7 August 2014

What Property Can $1.5 Million Get You Around the World? Prepare to be Shocked
What can $1.5 million get you in Singapore? Well, there are plenty of properties to choose from if you have that kind of buying power.
7 August 2014

Here’s an Easy Budgeting Strategy That’ll Work on Any Salary
Budgeting is never as easy as it sounds right? I mean, creating a budget is so deceptively simple – you just need to set aside X number of dollars for...
5 August 2014

3 Huge Money Mistakes You Should Avoid When Receiving an Inheritance
Next to winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance from a relative is the next best way to get your hands on a huge fortune.
4 August 2014

3 Incredible Money Saving Apps Every Singaporean Needs
Here’s a question – how many apps on your phone do you currently have? Do you have 20, 50, 100+ apps on your phone right now? Well, according to recent...
15 July 2014