
NUS, NTU, SMU & Other Singapore University Degrees—How Much Do They Cost in 2024?
NUS, NTU, SMU & Other Singapore University Degrees—How Much Do They Cost in 2024?
Did you know tuition fees at the University of Pennsylvania, United States, cost about US$66,100 (S$89,850) ...
15 April 2024
Government-supported Childcare vs Private Childcare: Which Should You Choose? (2023)
Government-supported Childcare vs Private Childcare: Which Should You Choose? (2023)
After the initial glow of welcoming a new baby into the family and taking hundreds of pictures of your ...
9 March 2023
best preschool singapore - little footprints preschool
This Preschool Develops Specialised Programmes to Enrich Your Little One’s Learning Journey — Now with up to $2,600 in Savings
This post was written in collaboration with Little Footprints Preschool. While we are financially compensated ...
My First Skool - top preschool in Singapore
My First Skool: Bringing High Quality Education to All Income Brackets
This post was written in collaboration with My First Skool. While we are financially compensated by them, ...
edusave psea school subsidies 2018
Edusave, PSEA & More – 9 Government Schemes for Schoolgoing Kids & Parents in Singapore (2022)
If we’re being perfectly honest, the most expensive part of being a parent in Singapore is right at the ...
23 June 2022
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Australian Universities – How Much Does it Cost to Send Your Child There? (2022)
Walk down the streets of Melbourne, Sydney or Perth and you might be surprised to bump into some familiar ...
16 March 2022
teaching kids personal finance
5 Most Important Financial Literacy Lessons You Need To Teach Your Children
There is so much going on for Singaporean children – tuition classes, enrichment classes like swimming, ...
16 March 2022
Saving Tips Future University Tuition Fees
5 Tips for Saving For Your Child’s Future University Tuition Fees
At the end of the education rat race, all Singaporean parents hope that their child eventually does well ...
15 March 2022
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Tuition Centres in Singapore 2022 – 17 Popular Yet Affordable Tutor Options
In meritocratic Singapore, education is our ticket up. That’s why we’re willing to do just about anything ...
18 February 2022
teaching in singapore MOE tuition teacher
Teaching in Singapore: Is It Better to Be an MOE Teacher or a Private Tuition Teacher?
On the face of it, MOE teachers seem to have it good. Decent pay AND long holidays? Sign us up! Yet everyone ...
17 August 2021
Smartcademy - learn digital marketing, UX design, web app development and other tech courses
3 Popular Tech Skills Singaporeans Took Up During Circuit Breaker That Are Still In Demand Now
This post was written in collaboration with Smartcademy. While we are financially compensated by them, ...
[UPDATED] Budget 2020 Highlights — 10 Key Announcements To Note
[UPDATED] Budget 2020 Highlights — 10 Key Announcements To Note
I have to admit — I’m quite impressed by the Budget 2020 announcement by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance ...
26 March 2020
cpf education loan singapore
CPF Education Scheme: Using Your Parents’ OA to Pay For Your University or Polytechnic Fees
University and polytechnic fees in Singapore are not cheap. The good news is that if your parents are unable ...
17 February 2020
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9 Affordable Cooking Classes in Singapore (Mostly SkillsFuture Claimable!)
There’s just something about homemade meals that shout “comfort” and “love”. Of course, if you’re not a ...
8 November 2019
national day rally 2019
National Day Rally 2019 — On Retirement, CPF, Education & More
Shortly after Singapore’s 54th birthday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made his National Day Rally 2019 ...
19 August 2019
Preschool in Singapore – Kindergartens, Infant Care, Nursery And The Costs Involved
Preschool in Singapore – Kindergartens, Infant Care, Nursery And The Costs Involved
The pregnancy is over. Whew! The delivery went smoothly. Yeah! Now, you have an adorable tiny person who ...
19 August 2019
psle sbb changes education reform singapore
PSLE Changes & Subject Based Banding in Secondary Schools: Will Singaporean Parents Become Less Kiasu?
Singapore’s education system has always been hailed as world-class, but it’s also one of the world’s most ...
15 August 2019
international schools in singapore
International Schools In Singapore 2019 – Guide To Fees And Costs For The Best Expat Schools
So you’re moving to Singapore with the kids in tow. If you’ve decided to enrol your kids in an international ...
18 April 2019
best student credit card Singapore 2018
6 Best Student Credit Cards in Singapore (2020)
If you’re a student, you’re probably feeling broke all the time, but even without a regular income you ...
25 February 2019
enrichment classes singapore
5 Enrichment Classes That Can Really Pay Off For You and Your Kid
Kids are many things—sometimes cute, sometimes bratty, but always expensive. At least in Singapore, where ...
18 February 2019
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5 Bachelor Degrees You Can’t Take in Singapore: International Relations, Podiatry & Others
The career path of a young Singaporean graduate isn’t quite as boring or as straightforward as before. ...
10 January 2019
top mba in singapore
Top 6 MBAs in Singapore – How Much Does An MBA Cost and Is It Worth it?
You’re a degree holder and you’re now looking for a way to get ahead on the corporate ladder. To improve ...
25 September 2018
6 Ways Students Can Get Career Guidance on What Course to Take at University
6 Ways Students Can Get Career Guidance on What Course to Take at University
So you’re about to take your A levels or complete your diploma this year, and after that you’ll hopefully ...
12 April 2018
graduate degree
3 Ways You Can Make Your Job Search Easier When You Graduate With an Unmarketable Degree
As a fresh faced A level or poly grad, you thought you were following your heart. So you picked a degree ...
12 March 2018
5 Factors Other Than Prestige Parents Should Consider When Picking a Secondary School for Their Child
5 Factors Other Than Prestige Parents Should Consider When Picking a Secondary School for Their Child
To truly kiasu parents, the most important factors when choosing a primary school for their kids are the ...
14 February 2018