Is This The Most Sensible Thing The Government Has Said Regarding CPF So Far?
There’s been a lot of opinions and statements (I’m trying to be polite here) regarding CPF floating around ...
11 July 2014

Think Singapore’s MRT Is Bad? Wait Till You See the Public Transport Systems of Other Cities
What do you think of Singapore’s Mass Rail Transit (MRT) system? Sure, MRT stations are a bit more crowded, ...
9 July 2014

Guess What? Lui Tuck Yew Says Fares NEED To Increase To Keep New Bus Model Sustainable
This is just brilliant. I almost choked on my morning coffee when I read the recent news article regarding ...
8 July 2014

Is Being a Construction Worker in Singapore Really as Bad as Other Countries?
All of us have friends or acquaintances who believe that Singapore is ONLY successful because of “excellent” ...
19 May 2014