Personal Loans
4 Things You Must Know Before Getting a Personal Loan in Singapore
So, cashflow is tight and you are contemplating getting a personal loan to tide you over. Be it for big-ticket items like a holiday, a wedding, or financial emergencies… as...
5 April 2022

5 Most Important Financial Literacy Lessons You Need To Teach Your Children
There is so much going on for Singaporean children – tuition classes, enrichment classes like swimming, piano, speech & drama, art, dance… the list is endless. Besides trying to unleash...
16 March 2022

3 Unique Staycation Ideas in Singapore
Fancy a staycation on an island with a sandy beach and lagoon for swimming? In a holiday bungalow that can accommodate 10 people and which costs less than $20 per day?
17 October 2014

Car Insurance
Driving Into Malaysia? Here’s What You Should Do If an Accident Happens There
Singaporeans drive in and out of Malaysia everyday, and yet it seems like the hazards change on a daily basis. One day, it’s a speeding driver, the next day it’s...
10 October 2014

Travel Insurance
5 Biggest Travel Insurance Mistakes People Make
Travel is indeed a favourite Singaporean pastime. A national sport, if you would. Buying Travel insurance for your trip however, is not often thought about as much. As the year...
24 September 2014

Planning Your Finances After Graduation – Where and How to Get Started
A recent NTUC Income Survey of 1,000 polytechnic students, undergraduates and young working adults between the ages of 18-29 yielded dismal findings. 87% feel financially unprepared for the challenges ahead....
23 September 2014

5 Child-related Benefits You Can Get From the Government
With an ‘abysmal’ fertility rate of 1.2 (far below the replacement rate of 2.1) and declining birth rate cited as the ‘biggest threat to Singapore’s survival’ by the senior Mr...
4 September 2014

Life Insurance
What Happens To Assets And Liabilities When Someone Passes On?
What happens to one’s credit card debt when he or she passes on? How about bank accounts? Shares? Mortgage? These may be questions that are seldom considered but important nonetheless....
2 September 2014

How To Get Out of Annoying Sales Pitches Without Losing Your Cool
Ever signed a spa package or an insurance policy that you don’t really need only to regret it later? With all these credit card and Groupon deals on spas, facials,...
28 August 2014

The 3 Biggest Money Traps Couples Fall Into When Planning a Wedding
As we hurtle towards the end of the year, it is wedding season once again. You may have gotten weary of attending yet another hotel banquet, but you can be...
26 August 2014

3 Ways to Save on Home Renovation in Singapore
So you’ve collected keys to your new home, yippee! Next would be the important (and slightly daunting) task of renovating your biggest asset. We hope these tips will help you...
25 August 2014

National Day Rally 2014: 3 Things You Need To Know About The New Announcements
This year’s National Day Rally provided some interesting insights into how the Government is restructuring policies to cope with current hot topics. Dignity in old age. Provision for medical care....
19 August 2014

4 Ways To Get Started as a Mumpreneur
To all new mums out there, congratulations on the 4 months paid maternity leave, the first of many parenting privileges, not least the unspeakable joy of raising your precious little...
18 August 2014